Universidad de Buenos Aires. FADU UBA.
Diseño de Indumentaria y Textil
Bibliografía general
- Arnheim, RudolfEl pensamiento visual.Editorial Eudeba, Buenos Aires, 1985.
- Munari, BrunoComo nacen los objetos.Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1983.
- Bürdek, Bernard E. Diseño. Historia, teoría y práctica del diseño industrial Gustavo Gilli, Barcelona, 1994.
- Wong, Wucius Fundamentos del Diseño bi y tridimensional. GG Diseño, Barcelona, 1995.
- Dondis,Donis A. La sintaxis de la imagen. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1982.
- Munari, Bruno El Arte como oficio. Ed. Labor, Barcelona, 1991.
- Baudrillard, Jean El Sistema de los Objetos Siglo XXI Editores, Buenos Aires, 1995.
- Kandinsky,Vassily Sobre lo espiritual en el arte Need Ediciones, Buenos Aires, 1998.
- Davis, Fred Fashion, Culture and Identity. University of Chicago Press, London, 1992.
- Le Breton, David Antropología del cuerpo y modernidad. Nueva Visión, Buenos Aires, 1995.
- Schilder, Paul Imagen y apariencia del cuerpo. Piados.
- Fast, Julius El lenguaje del cuerpo. Kairos/Troquel, Buenos Aires, 1970.
- Wapner, Seymour, Heinz Werner y otros. El precepto del cuerpo. Paidos, Buenos Aires, 1969.
- Gill,Michael Image of the body. Doubleday, New York, 1989.
- Science Museum Science of Sport. Trustees of the Science Museum.Londres, 1997.
- Loreaux, Nicole y otros autores. Fragmentos para una historia del cuerpo humano. Taurus.Madrid, 1991.
- Yajima, Isao Mode Drawing Nude. Editorial Ko.New York, 1990.
- Dormer, Peter El Diseño desde 1945. Thames and Hudson, Londres, 1993.
- Thomas, Karin Estilos de las artes plásticas en el siglo XX. Editorial del Serbal, Barcelona, 1988.
- Boucher, Francois 20.000 Years of Fashion. Harry N. Abrams, New York, 1987.
- Colchester, Chloë The New Textiles. Rizzoli, New York, 1991.
- V&A Museum Four Hundred Years of Fashion.
- Martin, Richard y Koda, Harold Bare Witness. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1996.
- De la Haye, Amy The cutting edge-50 years of british fashion. V&A Publications, Londn, 1996.
- Bosker, Manzini y Gramstad Fabulous Fabrics of the 50s Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1992.
- Sichel, Marion History of children's costume. Chelsea House, New York, 1983.
- Seiler-Baldinger, Annemarie Textiles: a classification of techniques. Crawford House Press ty. Ltd, Australia, 1994.
- Wells, Kate Teñido y estampación de tejidos Editorial La Isla, México, 1998.
- Polhemus, Ted Style Surfing. Thames and Hudson, London, 1996.
- Polhemus, Ted Street Styles. Thames and Hudson, London, 1994.
- Wolf, Roberta y Schlachter Trudy Millenium Mode Rizzoli, New York, 1999.
- Gan, Stephen Visionaire's. Fashion 2001 Universe, New York, 1999.
- Laver, James Breve historia del traje y la moda. Ensayos Arte Cátedra, 1995.
- Thorne Tony Fads, Fashions and Cults. Bloomsbury, London, 1993.
- Langner, Lawrence The importance of wearing clothes Elysium Growth Press, 1991.
- Köhler, Carl A history of costume. Dover Publications, New York, 1963.
- Rivière, Margarita Diccionario de la Moda. Grijalbo, Barcelona, 1996.
- Toussaint-Samat, Maguelonne Historia técnica y moral del vestido: 1- Las pieles, 2-Las telas, Complementos y estrategias. Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1994.
- Van Den Beukel, Dorine Pictorial History of costume. Pepin Press, Netherlands, 1998.
- Ashelford, Jane A visual history of costume : 16th century. Batsford Ltd, London,1993.
- Kennedy, Alan Japanese costume: history and tradition. Editions Adam Biro, Paris, 1990.
- Bond, David The Guinness Guide to 20th century fashion. Guinness Publishing Ltd, Middlesex, 1988.
- Miller, Lesley Cristobal Balenciaga. Batsford Ltd, London, 1993.
- Holborn, Mark Issey Miyake. Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH, Köln, 1995.
- Sudjic, Deyan Rei Kawakubo and Comme des Garcons Blueprint Monograph.Londres, 1990.
- Strizhenova, Tatiana Soviet Costume and Textiles 1917-1945. Flammarion, Paris, 1991.
- Willet, C. and Phillis Cunnington The history of Underclothes. Dover Publications, New York, 1992.
- Van Damme, Regine Jeans: the stuff of American History. Puffin Books/Penguin Books Ltd, London, 1991.
- Baudet, François Fashion Memoir: Yohji Yamamoto. Thames and Hudson, London, 1997.
- Garrett, Valery M. Traditional chinese costume. Oxford University Press, New York, 1994.
- Estorick, Eric Erté: the last works. Dutton Studio Books, New York, 1986.
- Woodham, Jonathan M. Twentieth century ornament. Rizzoli, New York, 1990.
- Parry, Linda William Morris Textiles. Crescent Books, New York, 1983.
- Hochswender, Woody Men's Wardrobe. T&H,Great Britain, 1998.
- Mendes, Valerie 20TH Century Fashion. T&H, London, 1999.
- Aldrich, Winifred Metric Pattern Cutting. Blackwell Science, Great Britain, 1997.
- Buxbaum, Gerda Icons of Fashion. Prestel, London, 1999.
- Easey, Mike Fashion Marketing. Blackwell Science, London, 1999.
- Uchalová, Eva Czech Fashion. Olympia, Praga, 1996.
- Takeda, Sharon Sadako y Splilker, Kaye Durland Breaking the Mode (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) Edit. Skira, Milan, Italia, 2007
- Koda, Harold Extreme Beauty: The body transformed. Edited by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2001
- Pires, Doroteia Baduy, compiladora Design de Moda.Olhares diversos Estacao das letras y cores, Brasil, 2008.
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- Nylon